Benoit Renard wrote:
Leonidas Jones wrote:
Phil, in large measure, kept SM 1.1.x usable by his incredible work on
xSidebar and porting Firefox and Thunderbird extensions to work in
SeaMonkey. Without that, 1.1.x was really not a usable piece of work,
at least without Multizilla, which basically converted it to another
application entirely.

I object to this. SeaMonkey 1.1.x is very usable without extensions.

Well, it depends on your usage. Sure it works. But so does Safari/Mail, FF/TB, Opera, and any other number of other applications, or combination of applications. Heck, so does Netscape 7.2, though the browser is feeling its age. But to get it to work for me, with the functions I depend on, requires extensions.

I have a great appreciation for the convenience of one application for mail, newsgroups, and RSS feeds. SM 1.1.x out of the box does not do RSS, it requires an extension, Forumzilla worked pretty well for me.

PrefBar is a convenience, but a very handy one that I install first thing. Web Developer Toolbar is one I rely on.

Mnenhy, Quote Collapse, Quote Colors, FolderPane Tools make Mail/News far more usable. Lightning has become a must have for full functionality.

FlashBlock, Tab Clicking Options are very important to me for function in the browser. FireFTP is handy. ForecastFox is not a really necessary item, but I also find it very handy.

A lot of these extensions were fine in SM 1 1.x, but many required xSidebar to install. Without xSidebar and the Extension Manager extension, there was no extension management to peak of, making it a real chore.

So sure, if your needs are simply to browse the internet, read mail and newsgroups, SM 1.1.x is fine out of the box. For me it is not, and I stand by my statement.

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