Robert Kaiser wrote:
JohnW-Mpls schrieb:
I am now back
to 1.19

If you like having unpatched security vulnerabilities on your computer,
have fun with it!

Are there any 2.x plans to fix the ID/Password processing?

You didn't tell us what the specific bugs are. If the specific problems
are filed as bug reports in, chances are that
someone might look at them. Without that, nobody sees that there could
be any problems.
And remember, any report need to be specific and to the point to what
the actual problem in an actual case is. "It's broken" is not helpful as
it doesn't tell us what doesn't work and a developer needs to be able
reproduce the problem on his setup to work on fixing it.

Robert Kaiser

That the fellow is mad about is in SM1.X when you saved user Name and Password for say Bank (but others) the username and password would automatically pop up in the form fields (the password would be shown as a series of ••••••'s)

Because The Banking and Insurance and Securities Industries, held a club over Mozilla's heads. That no longer happens. You actually have to type in your username before it will fill in. So you have to memorize every Username you use.

That's quite a feat to have to do, especially folks like me that have trouble with spelling.

So there will be a lot of folks that will go back to SM1 and FF3.0 just for that.
Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.    "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it" 

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