On Sun, 07 Nov 2010 10:48:22 +0100, Tony Mechelynck
<antoine.mechely...@gmail.com> in mozilla.support.seamonkey wrote:

>On 07/11/10 09:36, Ray_Net wrote:
>> Stanimir Stamenkov wrote:
>>> Sun, 07 Nov 2010 08:44:55 +0100, /Ray_Net/:
>>>> David E. Ross wrote:
>>>>> The problem is that, no matter how you obtain the image, it traverses
>>>>> the Internet as an attached file separate from the message. Only when
>>>>> you compose the message and when the recipient's E-mail application
>>>>> displays the message does the image file get combined with the
>>>>> message. Thus, you need an image file when composing the message.
>>>> But 1. There is no file ...
>>>> 2. When embedded in(per example, in the middle of the mail) the mail
>>>> there is no visible "file attachement" this is different when i click
>>>> on attach-browse-select a file; in this case the file is attached with
>>>> the mail(and not embedded in the mail text).
>>>> 3. I know that the file or pseudo file is appended at the end of the
>>>> mail. Looking at the message source we see a multi-part message with
>>>> the message text/plain, the message text/html and the message image/png
>>>> ... all those parts are composing the full message.
>>> So just try this and observe there's no difference:
>>> 1. While you're composing (in HTML I guess), select Insert -> Image...
>>> and then Choose File... from the file system (rather than pasting an
>>> image from the clipboard);
>>> 2. Do you see any difference?
>> Yes, this is working ... we can insert a jpg file...
>> but the aim is to "paste" not to insert a file... and this paste insert
>> a pseudo png file. That's the problem ..Lotus Notes cannot render a png
>> picture type if the version is before 8.5 and my recipeint cannot upgrade.
>> Howevedr as i said before ... i think that i found the solution ... just
>> ...we have to wait until Wednesday evening.
>If you don't have an image-processing program that can convert PNG to 
>something else, then, if you can display the full PNG image onscreen (if 
>it isn't too big, that is), try hitting PrtScr then to get a screenshot 
>of it, probably in JPEG or maybe BMP format. (You may have to "Paste as 
>New Image" in some image-manipulation software, but at least it ought to 
>be in some format it understands). Then maybe you can edit that to 
>remove unneeded stuff around the image, and insert _that_ (and not the 
>clipboard) as an image file.
>Best regards,

Tony, as a small piece of now useless knowledge to 99% of the public with
multi-megabit broadband, an MS prtscrn is a BMP image -- meaning it is
ponderously huge, especially when taken from a large display monitor.
(I did a full screen PRTSCRN, which was 1.1meg and converted it to a jpg
which was116kb.)

Also, and off this topic, I was wondering if the JPG is an offshoot of or
utilizes the old RLE internal tech?  Your thought on that?

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