Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
Can't seem to view this video, wondering if it's me or them...

The preview picture comes up fine, but when I click the play button, all I get is an endless spinner. The progress bar doesn't advance, and the vid doesn't start. After a minute or so, the LAN icon in my tray goes dark, except for a brief flash every couple of minutes.


What say you? Is there a problem with the site, or with my computer?

I've been able to play tudou vids in the past, and I can play vids from other sites OK.

In Internet Exploiter 8, I don't even get the preview picture or the controls.


I get the same, but a little popup comes up saying
(Current page does not allow full screen.)

I'm on 1920x1080, so it probably is a bit of a load.
For me, reducing SeaMonkey's window-size gets the video playing immediately. HTH. Barry.
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