On 1/4/11 5:47 PM, Rufus wrote:
> David E. Ross wrote:
>> On 1/4/11 4:17 AM, Ray_Net wrote:
>>> David E. Ross wrote:
>>>> On 1/3/11 2:06 PM, Ray_Net wrote:
>>>>> Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
>>>>>> David E. Ross wrote:
>>>>>>> .. Of course, that will hide the fact that SeaMonkey is in use and
>>>>>>> lead Web developers to ignore SeaMonkey.
>>>>>> That's also a reason I frequently dispute folks when they say "just set
>>>>>> it to mask as IE and fuggetaboutit."  :-/
>>>>> If the code in seamonkey *is* the code of firefox, it's normal that he
>>>>> *must* spoof as firefox.
>>>> The code in SeaMonkey is NOT the code of Firefox.
>>> Why SM 2.1.x spoof itself by default firefox then ?
>> This change is being made to avoid the problems cited at the start of
>> this thread.  This was imposed by changing the Gecko core or another
>> core-like component that is required by SeaMonkey.  The change is
>> optional with the default to spoof Firefox.  The option is controlled by
>> a preference variable that can be set in the user.js file or via
>> about:config in the browser.
>> It is my understanding that Robert Kaiser (SeaMonkey guru) was not happy
>> about this change.  If my understanding is wrong, I hope Kaiser will
>> correct me.
> ...I'm not happy and I hope that Robert isn't either and is able to do 
> something about this "improvement".  I'd far more prefer the actual SM 
> default, and an interfaced, drop-down listed set of UA strings like is 
> built into Safari Developer Tools.

A drop-down selection list of UA strings for spoofing is available from
either the PrefBar or UserAgentSwitcher extensions.  These both have the
feature that your actual UA string is restored when you exit the browser
in case you forget that you were spoofing some other browser.


David E. Ross

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