Robert Kaiser schrieb:
Not really, they just won't deliver updates for it or Leopard any more
(they have already stopped delivering updates for Tiger a long time ago)
but they have a habit of just not talking about such end-of-line
decisions and just silently not do any updates any more.

AFAIK the strategy on OS side is rather clear: Active support for the current OS (the minor releases), security support for the last major release, no support for older stuff. Thus I currently expect them to drop PPC support this summer, when 10.7 is released. (Also got a PPC still running around here (7 years old) - works as nicely as any of todays' netbooks.)

Otherwise they usually perform some creeping death for legacy items: 10.5 last OS on PPC, 10.6 last OS with PPC emulation, 10.7 no PPC support at all. It was similar with the "classic" environment.

Positively speaking: they like to focus on using the new stuff. ;-)
(New HW, new APIs, ... - makes better/leaner technology and better sales, as long as users go along with it. You need recent/supported OS X (10.5+) to support iOS 4 devices - WinXP is still supporting those. Funny?)

Sorry for the off-topic post...

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