Philip Chee wrote:
On Fri, 25 Mar 2011 17:22:21 -0700, Rufus wrote:
Jens Hatlak wrote:
Adam Jimerson wrote:
Unless something has changed Seamonkey 2.1 is still no long
compatible with PPC correct?

Correct. The platform SM 2.1 will be based on, Mozilla 2.0, dropped PPC

If that is so how long after Seamonkey 2.1 is released will support
for 2.0 be dropped?

SM 2.0 is released off the Mozilla 1.9.1 branch which is where Firefox
3.5 was released from. Meanwhile there has been FF 3.6 (from Mozilla
1.9.2) and now FF 4.0 (from Mozilla 2.0). Since maintaining multiple
branches in parallel is costly (think build and test machines, testers
etc.), Mozilla 1.9.1 (and inevitably with it SM 2.0, since it depends on
the platform for security fixes and the SeaMonkey project lacks the
manpower to maintain it by themselves) will be discontinued rather
sooner than later. I do not know how many more SM 2.0 releases there
will be but probably very few. That makes releasing SM 2.1 ASAP all the
more important, but of course that last part doesn't make much of a
difference for PPC.



...guess I'm gonna get forced to use Safari on one of my machines
eventually...whither Thunderbird?

You could try one of the community supported PPC Firefox4.0 builds:


Mostly I'm concerned about maintaining a newsreader - I actually prefer Safari to Firefox now that I've taken a closer look at it, and it's interface is nicely complemented by Thunderbird. I wish they were integrated like SM, though. Or that I could find a Safari add-on to do so.

     - Rufus
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