d...@kd4e.com wrote:
Rufus wrote: I don't think there's a Linux version of Poser...or
Bryce...or any of my flight sims...or the support for my recording
studio. Or...

Are there no alternative apps?

What is "Poser"?

Poser is a 3D animation and figure/set editing, rigging, and rendering application. Cheap and very powerful. Tons of content available.

What is "Bryce"?

Bryce is a 3D terrain and landscape generation application - again, very cheap, but very powerful. Often used in conjunction with Poser to do background mats and/or terrain, and to generate rudimentary geometric forms like buildings. Some people consider the Bryce rendering engine superior to Poser's and so often import and cross-render scenes in Bryce.

I know there are audio and video apps, indeed there are a number
of Linux specialty distros that are optimized for those purposes
in commercial/professional contexts.

And that's fine for that purpose - like for running my AV center. But the industry standard equipment for studio audio multi-tracking is Apple, really. And that's what I use my studio for.

There are lots of Linux gamers and I seem to recall that there
are flight sims for Linux.

Maybe, but I want some very sophisticated ones - high fidelity and complexity, of specific aircraft. Because that's what I do for a living.

Also, have you tried WINE or other interfaces to run non-Linux
apps in Linux?

No, but I have looked into WINE for running windose apps under OS X seeing as so much of what I'm after is available commercially, built to some industry standard - and that's my real driver for most of what I do; standardization.

No need to wave the white flag so quickly ... ;-)

From what I've seen Ubuntu looks and feels near to exactly like OS X, so if I could port my OS X apps to it that would work, but OS X runs OS X...it's the legacy OS 9 stuff I (and others) worry about. I've still got some file format converters for Poser that convert windose format models into Mac format models.

     - Rufus
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