PhillipJones wrote:
Rufus wrote:
Jan-Galt wrote:
Rufus<> wrote :

William DeCoster wrote:
Please relay to the seamonkey people. Composer: click on a graphic it
duplicates and jumps up to another location, (annoying). The graphic
does delete ok, Never an issue before this release. Other annoying
"Features" Pop Up anouncements and compress email folder
announcements. Please, dump this stuff, I can't believe anyone would
want it.

So far, SM 2.1 has generated the largest number of problems/user
complaints I've ever read here regarding any version/release...and it's
only been a week or so.

I already was garnering the impression that I wouldn't want to upgrade
to this version just due to some of the structural changes in it that
I've been reading about here, now I'm *convinced* I don't even want to
take it for a test drive on one of my lesser used machines...

...what the heck happened?

It's great for me.

...that's *one*...anybody else?

NO for me. besides extensions If I switch I'll have to 2.1 I am going to
have to keep a Notepad beside my computer just for usernames and
passwords that won't save. *that* is a deal breaker for me.  And totally unexpected.

     - Rufus
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