Keith Whaley wrote:
Nice analogy, MC...

keith whaley

MCBastos wrote:
Interviewed by CNN on 18/06/2011 14:59, Rufus told the world:

No, I don't think you're understanding *me* - I'm not interested in the
Mozilla technology, I'm interested in the Mozilla *feature set*. Big,
subtle difference in that I'm thinking as a user and not a coder, and I
also realize this means a *new* product.

What I want is the Mozilla feature set brought to iOS...which is why I
now have the Atomic browser on my iPad. It's as close as I can get.

The thing is, the feature set on Firefox and Seamonkey is completely
dependent on the Gecko engine. The user interface is ran by the browser
engine, not by the operating system. That's what allows writing such
powerful browser extensions, for starters. Gecko was designed from the
start to offer this functionality. Webkit does not offer it, and that's
why Safari and Chrome extensions are comparatively simpler.

What you are asking for would be an entirely new product, built from the
ground up, reusing very little existing Mozilla/Seamonkey code, made to
mimic superficially the Seamonkey features. I say "superficially"
because, even if it looked like Seamonkey, it would be unable to run
extensions -- because those extensions depend on Gecko to run.

What you are doing, essentially, is going to Honda and suggesting they
should build a Civic -- but using a Ford engine, Ford transmission and
Ford unibody, with only surface bodywork and upholstering by Honda. And
of course, it should *still* allow the installation of engine tuning
kits which were designed for a Honda engine, because those engines are
one of the nice things about Hondas...

Would you be surprised if Honda considered your request could hardly be
called a Honda and therefore they weren't interested in wasting
engineering talent developing it, while there were real Hondas to be

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