So in SM 2.0 and before the sidebar search displayed the search results in both the browser window and below the search input. This was great if I wanted to try different search results and not have to either use the back button or open in new tab/window.

2.2 lost this functionality and the open area below the search input is just a solid bar. Is there a way to restore this functionality?

As a side note: I hate to complain here. I find most of the complaining here to be unwarranted. To read this forum when SM went from 1.x to 2.0 the sky was falling. Most of the "show stoppers" I hear were issues I never saw, or felt were not a big deal. So most of the gloom and doom I read here I felt was just over reacting on peoples part. Example the changes to the forum manager were really not that big a deal.

That seems to have changed for me in 2.2. I now see several odd behaviors in the browser (most which go away with a close app and re-open). The mail client, which as always been pretty much bug free, now has a ton of bugs. That said 2.2 has had the most regression bugs, lost features and new bugs of any version I have seen since before 1.0. I hope this new "rapid" release is not causing SM quality to suffer and this is just a bad build that we will get past. What is the feeling of the development team on this build or is this just the build where the issues have finally gotten to areas that affect me?

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