hawker wrote:

As a side note: I hate to complain here. I find most of the
complaining here to be unwarranted. To read this forum when SM went
from 1.x to 2.0 the sky was falling. Most of the "show stoppers" I
hear were issues I never saw, or felt were not a big deal.  So most
of the gloom and doom I read here I felt was just over reacting on
peoples part. Example the changes to the forum manager were really
not that big a deal.

That seems to have changed for me in 2.2.  I now see several odd
behaviors in the browser (most which go away with a close app and
re-open).  The mail client, which as always been pretty much bug
free, now has a ton of bugs. That said 2.2 has had the most
regression bugs, lost features and new bugs of any version I have
seen since before 1.0.  I hope this new "rapid" release is not
causing SM quality to suffer and this is just a bad build that we
will get past.  What is the feeling of the development team on this
build or is this just the build where the issues have finally gotten
to areas that affect me?

I echo these sentiments.  Throughout the evolution of Seamonkey,
right up to and including V2.0.14, I have felt that each new
release has represented a significant improvement.  With the
advent of 2.2 (I bypassed 2.1; Seamonkey did not even tell me
it was available), I no longer feel this -- I do not understand
the rationale for the changes, do not understand why it is so
buggy (compared to previous versions), do not understand the
haste with which it was apparently released.  It is almost as
if Seamonkey is starting to follow the same route as recent
Microsoft operating systems -- I see the analogies as follows :

        Seamonkey       Microsoft O/S
        2.0.14          Windows/XP;SP2 (needs SP3 to address security concerns)
        2.2             Vista (rushed out, too much attention to cosmetics and 
too little to detail)
        2.x             Windows 7 : better than Vista, better in some ways than 
XP, but also poorer than XP in many others.

It is probably worth pointing out that I have never previously
felt the need to join this list and comment on / ask questions
about, Seamonkey -- it has, until now, done everything I wanted.
Now, with 2.2, I feel I have no option : if I want 2.x to be as
good as 2.0.14, and even more secure, then I feel I have to make
my voice heard.

Philip Taylor
support-seamonkey mailing list

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