Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
WLS (CompTIA A+ Certified - Retired) wrote:

Paul B. Gallagher wrote:

OK, I just "canceled" the message to which you replied. Is it
really gone, or just hidden from me?


That has to be one of the all-time most useless answers in the history
of mankind. Thank you very much, Mr. Wise Guy.

For anyone else who's following, let's rephrase my question this way:
can you still see the canceled message even though I can't?

If I unsubscribe from the newsgroup, delete the msf file from my disk,
and resubscribe, downloading all 66,000-odd headers, will the "canceled"
message be among them (is it still on the server) or not? If not, then
it's really gone.

Why don't you try it with the newsgroup mozilla.test on the server.

Actualy it might be a good idea to have SM put up a box with an explanation/lesson about the results of executing the command.
It could actually link to a humorous animation about not being
able to kill or put the message back in the box, because it has
escaped into Internet.
:-) :-D :-P  :-D
Of course I realize that the effort would be better spent
by correcting some of the real bugs infesting the SM code.


P.s. posting this also tests if there is any progress on curing
my spurious bounces whenever I post to
:-) :-D :-P

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