On 1/2/2012 10:43 PM DoctorBill submitted the following:
> DoctorBill wrote:
>> DoctorBill wrote:
>>> DoctorBill wrote:
>>>> Cute title - I just wanted to show the redundancy described below.
>>>> I just updated to SeaMonkey 2.6.1 from SeaMonkey 1.1.
>>>> My stored passwords that came over from SM 1.1 are there but now require
>>>> me to click on the Username before one comes up to choose.
>>>> When I click on Username", many have multiples of the same Username !
>>>> I went to stored passwords, and one I went to often before now has SIX
>>>> listings of the very same username and password for exactly the same
>>>> link.
>>>> Was this a bug? Did I do something wrong ? Why would it store repeats of
>>>> the very same thing.
>>>> Should I delete all but one of them ?
>>>> I don't want to delete anything until I hear from the Expurts....
>>>> DoctorBill
>>> Oh how cute !
>>> There are two of everything or more.
>>> Once you get down to two of them, if you highlight one and press delete,
>>> both of them are erased....
>>> Wonderful.
>>> DoctorBill
>>  From the numerous responses, I would suppose:
>> 1. No one has had this problem before me.
>> 2. No one knows what is going on.
>> 3. No one G.A.S.
>> I guess it is #3.
>> DoctorBill
> I was in the process of copying (by hand typing) all my passwords over to a 
> list
> on WORD...when XP Security 2012 hit my system.
> OMG - don't let that thing get you !  Long story - hideous !
> Still have to run a procedure on bleepingcomputer.com to totally clean it out.
> http://www.bleepingcomputer.com/virus-removal/remove-xp-internet-security-2012
> Anyway - I am going to get all my passwords (can't get them printed out of SM
> 1.1 - at least I don't know how) and then erase the 2.6.1 passwords files and
> start all over anew with all of the sites.
> That should stop this two of everything stuff I get now.
> I have to click on the username box to get anything to show then I get two of
> the same thing shown.
> Is this normal for 2.6.1 or am I doing the right thing ?
> I don't want to reload 2.1 and inport and then import to 2.6.1...LORD !
> DoctorBill

Bill, back in 2010 I noticed that I had what I thought were duplicated entries
of host/user/passwords in my system.  But, upon closer inspection the submit
URL's were different.  Look to see if one is http:// and the so called duplicate
is https://

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