W3BNR wrote:
On 1/2/2012 10:43 PM DoctorBill submitted the following:
DoctorBill wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
Cute title - I just wanted to show the redundancy described below.

I just updated to SeaMonkey 2.6.1 from SeaMonkey 1.1.

My stored passwords that came over from SM 1.1 are there but now require
me to click on the Username before one comes up to choose.

When I click on Username", many have multiples of the same Username !

I went to stored passwords, and one I went to often before now has SIX
listings of the very same username and password for exactly the same

Was this a bug? Did I do something wrong ? Why would it store repeats of
the very same thing.

Should I delete all but one of them ?

I don't want to delete anything until I hear from the Expurts....


Oh how cute !
There are two of everything or more.
Once you get down to two of them, if you highlight one and press delete,
both of them are erased....



   From the numerous responses, I would suppose:

1. No one has had this problem before me.

2. No one knows what is going on.

3. No one G.A.S.

I guess it is #3.


I was in the process of copying (by hand typing) all my passwords over to a list
on WORD...when XP Security 2012 hit my system.

OMG - don't let that thing get you !  Long story - hideous !
Still have to run a procedure on bleepingcomputer.com to totally clean it out.

Anyway - I am going to get all my passwords (can't get them printed out of SM
1.1 - at least I don't know how) and then erase the 2.6.1 passwords files and
start all over anew with all of the sites.

That should stop this two of everything stuff I get now.
I have to click on the username box to get anything to show then I get two of
the same thing shown.

Is this normal for 2.6.1 or am I doing the right thing ?

I don't want to reload 2.1 and inport and then import to 2.6.1...LORD !


Bill, back in 2010 I noticed that I had what I thought were duplicated entries
of host/user/passwords in my system.  But, upon closer inspection the submit
URL's were different.  Look to see if one is http:// and the so called duplicate
is https://

Nope - they are absolutely identical !
Nope - they are absolutely identical !

For instance, I order cigars from
and there are two identical lines in the "Password Manager" list with
identical usernames and passwords.


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more will be said than done.
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