Daniel wrote:
> BIll Spikowski wrote:
>> Jens Hatlak wrote:
>>> Tom Pamin wrote:
>>>> Jens Hatlak wrote:
>>>>> I'll now try my luck on bug 588807 first (to add Unsorted
>>>>> Bookmarks to
>>>>> the Bookmarks menu), then continue my quest for one true default
>>>>> File
>>>>> Bookmark(s) folder.
>>>> Not sure how useful Unsorted Bookmarks is. This folder doesn't
>>>> seem to
>>>> even show up when you access bookmarks from the dropdown menu bar
>>>> above.
>>>> It only shows up if you go to Manage Bookmarks.
>>> Read what I wrote. This is exactly what I'll address in bug 588807.
>>> It'll probably be fixed in SM 2.9 then.
>> Thank you -- that would be a solid improvement!
>> I also like Tom Pamim's suggestion to allow users more flexibility.
>> For instance, I would like to set up an "unsorted" folder for loose
>> bookmarks that don't seem to fit anywhere else, but also set up a
>> "new" folder for what can be sorted, but hasn't yet been sorted. They
>> are not the same thing!
> Hang on, Bill, are you suggesting that you want the ability to be able
> to put a new address in the "Unsorted" folder (until you do sort it)
> *or* in the "New" folder??

Well, I would name the folder "new" if given the choice (to
distinguish it from what I would call "unsortable") -- but it would be
the same thing.

> Seems to me you're already sorting, so why not just put the address
> where you finally want it!!

Right, usually I do exactly that -- when I know I want to save it and
it's obvious where it goes.

But often, someone sends me a URL I want to look at but can't right
now; or I stumble on a page that deserves another look when I've got
some free time.

Or I know I want to save it, but it belongs in two or three bookmark
folders, not just one; if I put it in just one, I have no way of
remembering to go back later and copy it to the other folders.

Under the new SM system, new bookmarks not sorted immediately end up
out of sight at the very bottom of the list, where I often forget
about them completely....

A little more flexibility would allow us to better customize the
bookmarking process to suit our own ways of working. But this is just
a suggestion -- I love Seamonkey mainly because of how much
customization it already allows!

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