David H. Durgee wrote:
Joe updated to the 2.7 release there 10 hours ago. Given I am still not
seeing that release at http://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/
but still the 2.6.1 release I am wondering if he has "jumped the gun" a
bit and this is still actually a beta or RC as opposed to a release.

I cannot tell for sure what Joe did, but SM 2.7 has been tagged in the revision control system on Sunday already:


Given that no other change has been made to the comm-release source repository since then and SM 2.7 will be released today, it's probably safe to say that this tag actually points to the SM 2.7 source. If Joe used that tag to build the package(s) he provides then what he provides *is* SM 2.7.

Basically, the release process consists of multiple steps. The above mentioned tagging is a prerequisite before final packages can be built, but even when all packages are available they won't trigger website updates automatically. That's a manual process, usually prepared by me (done yesterday) and finished by Justin (whenever he gets to it).

I am holding off installing until I know this is the actual release.

Well, it's a matter of trust. The only official SM packages are available from seamonkey-project.org (and maybe some locale-dependent sites like seamonkey.at for German), *when* they are available. This will be some time today (US Eastern time). Any other packages are not released by the SM project itself but other vendors (e.g. Linux distributors like SuSE, or guys like Joe). Whether you trust them to actually ship packages built from the same code base totally depends on you. Personally I'd trust the SM project most, Linux distributors following, and not such much anyone else. But that's up to you.



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