Robert Kaiser wrote:
> David H. Durgee schrieb:
>> When will the official release of 2.7 occur? I am seeing it in the
>> repository I usually use, but the SeaMonkey home page still shows 2.6.1
>> as the current release.
> It will be released some time later today (US time). If that repo does
> have it, then it's made by someone who doesn't care about our release
> politics.
> Just makes me happy I'm not the release manager any more.

The above is all correct.

I however feel that if a Linux Vendor wants to build/prep a SeaMonkey
release, and gets it out to his users anytime today then we need not
worry too much.

I expect that if there is a delay in the planned release date, barring
any extremely MAJOR chemspill issues that make us hold off at the very
very last minute, we'll have informed you before this day.

The release repo is tagged, the source files we produce are already
built and in ftp.

What I wait on is mirrors to take our files, and to get everything else
lined up to push the website updates live and then update snippets, etc.

SeaMonkey2.7 by the SeaMonkey project will be out in a few hours, if
you're linux distro already carries it, and you trust your distro, by
all means grab that version.

~Justin Wood (Callek)

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