Interviewed by CNN on 10/02/2012 11:08, Paul B. Gallagher told the world:
> OK, I think I've solved it; I've had 12 hours without trouble.
> Strange thing is, it had nothing to do with the Trash folder. Here's 
> what I did:
> In SM, I created a temporary mail folder and dragged and dropped all 
> messages from the Inbox to that folder. I closed SM and deleted the 
> Inbox and the corresponding index file Index.msf. I restarted SM and 
> compacted folders, then dragged and dropped the messages from the 
> temporary folder back to Inbox and deleted the temporary folder.
> Why this worked, I can't say, but I've deleted over a hundred messages 
> from various folders in this account in the past 12 hours and none of 
> them has given me any trouble.

Probably some sort of corruption in the inbox file itself that Seamonkey
couldn't figure out and fix automatically. You rebuilt the file from
scratch, and the problem went away.

As for the idea of trash folder corruption being a possible cause for
the problem: I used to frequently see a related problem in customers who
insisted on using the never-sufficiently-execrated Outlook Express.

The common symptom was messages not moving from "outbox" to "sent items"
after being sent... and therefore being sent again and again. Turns out
that the "Sent items" had hit its maximum size (2Gb in OE), so OE
couldn't write in it anymore.

A corrupted Trash folder has a similar effect, in that Seamonkey (or
Thunderbird, or OE for that matter) cannot successfully write the
message there, so it aborts the operation before marking the original
message as deleted.


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