Bzzz wrote:
On Tue, 14 Feb 2012 17:12:58 +0100
Ray_Net<>  wrote:

Because the developpers knows better than you what is good for you :-(

Yeah, that was my first thought (same as for gnome3:(

Too bad, I liked it until this release - I'm gonna try Opera
to see if it fits my need.


I downloaded Opera yesterday and it solved my biggest problem of NOT being able to see websites in full screen. In SM 2.7, I get everything in a column with wide blank borders on each side. :(

It makes me so sad, because I really don't want to give up SM, but now that I know changes in SM and not my new graphics card have caused this, I may have to change.

Opera seems to be slower to me, however... and it would be another learning curve. Guess I'll try them both for awhile.
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