Daniel wrote:
> Daniel wrote:
>> Zanqeutil wrote:
>>> Jens Hatlak schreef:
>>>> Zanqeutil wrote:
>>>>> I'm back to Seamonkey 2.7.2 and everything is fine again, no more
>>>>> distracting wait-icon-cursors in the newsgroups.
>>>> Well, isn't that a bit overreacting? You're jeopardizing your security
>>>> for something as simple as a busy cursor. Let's compare:
>>>> a) 2.7.x: exposed to 8 security issues only fixed in SM 2.8:
>>>> <https://www.mozilla.org/security/known-vulnerabilities/seamonkey.html>
>>>> b) 2.8: busy cursor (wallpaper fix: toggle ui.use_activity_cursor in
>>>> about:config).
>>>> HTH
>>>> Jens
>>> In SM 2.7.2 I have in about:config set 'ui.use_activity_cursor' to
>>> false
>>> After that I upgraded to SM 2.8 and no busy wait cursor in the
>>> newsgroups anymore. So thanks for this workaround.
>>> This solution was posted before in:
>>> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=727414
>>> But that appeared today, before I uninstalled SM 2.8 yesterday night.
>>> So I did not know this solution. Don't visit bugzilla every day....
>>> Regards,
>>> Zanqeutil
>> Over the last couple of days, I have experienced the above cursor icon
>> problem (no big problem for me), but tonight I do not have the problem,
>> and I have not reverted to SM 2.7.2 or modified about:config!!
>> It's just magic!!
>> Aren't computers a wonderful thing??
> ....and now I'm back to the flashing cursor!!
Using SM 2.8 and Windows XP Pro 32 bit I toggled ui.use_activity_cursor
in about:config from true to false and have no flashing cursor since,
but then it is only Sunday morning here for me in Nebraska,USA.

   You either teach people to treat you with dignity and respect, or you don't. 
This means you are partly responsible for the mistreatment that you get at the 
hands of someone else. 

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