Desiree wrote:
"Chris Ilias"<>  wrote in message
On 12-04-03 5:47 AM, Desiree wrote:
"Chris Ilias"<>   wrote in message

_What reasons could be for a blank page at seamonkey.ilias.ca_
Maybe it's because the search box uses an iframe? If you go to a page
doesn't have a search box, like<>,
do you still get a blank page?

The above page is fine.  I also am not getting a blank page now at Your site though is very inconsistent for me. For
instance, in the column on the left, if I click on any question under FAQ
Browser, I get a screenshot that says Welcome to SeaMonkey and nothing
I get the same screenshot on ALL questions under Browser. Under FAQ
Profiles, I get text only answers, no screenshots. Under FAQ General, I
a different screenshot that says Welcome to SM Mail and Newsgroups on
question. But under Documentation, Upgrading I actually get useful
screenshots and text. I have not checked every page on your site but you
the idea.

What you're seeing is the screencast start image. For instance, if you go
to<>, which is in the
browser FAQ, the image you see should not be "Welcome to SeaMonkey", but
of CNN World.

Ahh....I did see the CNN World.

There should be a play icon embedded over top of the image. If you click
on the image, the screencast should start. Does the play icon not appear?
If it doesn't appear, does clicking on the image still start the

To get it to start, I have to click on the tiny icon in the bottom left
corner of the screen. That is obscured until I mouse over it and way to
small to see what those icons stand for. But when I figured out how to do
it, it worked fine.

Audio I think is ok. I am hearing a song from a windows theme with your
voice super imposed. I have spent hours trying to get rid of that song as it
plays anytime I turn the speakers on but I usually do not have my speakers
on (except when I want to listen to music files) so it doesn't bother me. (I
can eventually get rid of it but it comes back...old computer...soon I will
have a nice shiny, new one).

I did not see any play icon. Nor would I have known there was audio except I
read Daniel's message so I knew to turn on my speakers.

Chris Ilias<>
Newsgroup moderator

....and now I've clicked the link and I have sound, no windows theme, just a guy explaining what's going on.

Must check what's up with my Linux SM sound!!

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