Daniel wrote:
Frog wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Frog wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Frog wrote:

O.K., Frog, lets try again!!

SM 1.1.19 is working, with it's own profile.
SM 2.8 works with its own profile on the E:\ drive.
There are additional profiles on the C:\ that you want to remove.

Completely close SM and do the renaming and relocation in Windows
Explorer or "My Computer".

Just to be absolutely sure you have all your e-mails, search the other
profile locations (not the SM 2.8 profile) for files called inbox and
sent (don't worry about the *.msf files. They are re-created when needed)

Change these file names to, for example, inbox2, inbox2-2 and inbox3.
Same for Sent folders.

Move these renamed files to the E:\ FrogBarb profile, at the same level
as the inbox and sent folders of the FrogBarb profile.

Now, re-start SM 2.8 and you should see the multiply inbox's and Sent's
listed in your profile and, if needed, you can move the e-mails from the
just added files into the original Inbox and Sent folders, and then
close SM 2.8 and the, now, empty folders can be removed in Windows
Explorer. as can the, now unnecessary, C:\ profiles.

I have concluded that there is an idiot in this room, and I'm not sure if it is the computer or me...I'm starting to think it might be me. In any event, I have done several things this morning to resolve my profile problem without success. Here is a recap of my actions so far today.

After receiving your message this morning, I again looked in each of the four SeaMonkey folders, located under C:\Documents and Settings\Frog\Application Data\Mozilla, for any signs of inbox and sent entries. I found no such stored information in the SeaMonkey folders.

Next, I decided to build an E dive repository for all of the four SeaMonkey folders found listed under C:\Documents and Settings\Kermit Taylor\Application Data\Mozilla. I then moved these folders from the C drive to the E drive repository. I was hoping that this action would would give me a way of testing my two SeaMonkey versions with their individual Profiles. Well, after moving the files to the new location, I then clicked the 2.8 ICON on my desktop and it brought me to the window for setting up SeaMonkey. Obviously there is a connection between my 2.8 profile (FrogBarb) located on my E drive and the Mozilla/SeaMonkey folders located on my C drive.

I next decided to build a new profile on my E drive for 2.8. I did this and then copied/pasted the missing folders (Mail etc.) from my FrogBarb profile into the new profile. That did not work either when I attempted to open SeaMonkey...I got another window for setting up SeaMonkey. I then went into Managing Profiles and deleted the new profile. After that, I re-establish my old FrogBarb profile. I simply started the steps like I was creating a new profile with the same name as my old profile (FrogBarb) and pointed it to the place (E drive) where it previously existed...I was then back to my old profile. I again attempted to fire up 2.8 with the same results--setting up SeaMonkey as if it was newly installed software. I shut SeaMonkey down and moved the four SeaMonkey files, the ones I had moved to my E drive repository, back to the C drive where they were originally. I again fired up SeaMonkey 2.8 and it worked normally.

I think I am back to where the morning started. My inbox, sent, etc, for 2,8 are all located on my E drive as they have always been.

I don't know what the tie is between the four SeaMonkey folder, located at C:\Documents and Settings\Kermit Taylor\Application Data\Mozilla, and my 2.8 profile folder, located at E:\SeaMonkeyProfile. There surely is a connection of some type and it beets me as to what that connection is as this point.

It appears to me that the only solution to this problem is backing up my current FrogBarb profile...removing SeaMonkey 2.8 entirely from my computer...reloading SeaMonkey 2.8 again...build a new profile on my E drive...delete Mail from the new profile and copy-paste the Mail from by old FrogBarb profile into the new profile...and praying that all of this will resolve my problem.

Any thoughts...ideas...or recommendations welcomed.

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