Daniel wrote:
Frog wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Frog wrote:
Frog wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Frog wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Frog wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Frog wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Frog wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Frog wrote:

O.K., Frog, lets try again!!

SM 1.1.19 is working, with it's own profile.
SM 2.8 works with its own profile on the E:\ drive.
There are additional profiles on the C:\ that you want to remove.

Completely close SM and do the renaming and relocation in Windows
Explorer or "My Computer".

Just to be absolutely sure you have all your e-mails, search the
profile locations (not the SM 2.8 profile) for files called inbox
sent (don't worry about the *.msf files. They are re-created when

Change these file names to, for example, inbox2, inbox2-2 and
Same for Sent folders.

Move these renamed files to the E:\ FrogBarb profile, at the same
as the inbox and sent folders of the FrogBarb profile.

Now, re-start SM 2.8 and you should see the multiply inbox's and
listed in your profile and, if needed, you can move the e-mails
just added files into the original Inbox and Sent folders, and
close SM 2.8 and the, now, empty folders can be removed in
Explorer. as can the, now unnecessary, C:\ profiles.

I have concluded that there is an idiot in this room, and I'm not
if it is the computer or me...I'm starting to think it might be
me. In
any event, I have done several things this morning to resolve my
problem without success. Here is a recap of my actions so far

After receiving your message this morning, I again looked in
each of
four SeaMonkey folders, located under C:\Documents and
Settings\Frog\Application Data\Mozilla, for any signs of inbox and
entries. I found no such stored information in the SeaMonkey

Next, I decided to build an E dive repository for all of the four
SeaMonkey folders found listed under C:\Documents and
Taylor\Application Data\Mozilla. I then moved these folders from
the C
drive to the E drive repository. I was hoping that this action
would give me a way of testing my two SeaMonkey versions with
individual Profiles. Well, after moving the files to the new
location, I
then clicked the 2.8 ICON on my desktop and it brought me to the
for setting up SeaMonkey. Obviously there is a connection
between my
profile (FrogBarb) located on my E drive and the Mozilla/SeaMonkey
folders located on my C drive.

I next decided to build a new profile on my E drive for 2.8. I did
and then copied/pasted the missing folders (Mail etc.) from my
profile into the new profile. That did not work either when I
to open SeaMonkey...I got another window for setting up
SeaMonkey. I
then went into Managing Profiles and deleted the new profile.
that, I re-establish my old FrogBarb profile. I simply started the
like I was creating a new profile with the same name as my old
(FrogBarb) and pointed it to the place (E drive) where it
existed...I was then back to my old profile. I again attempted to
up 2.8 with the same results--setting up SeaMonkey as if it was
installed software. I shut SeaMonkey down and moved the four
files, the ones I had moved to my E drive repository, back to
the C
drive where they were originally. I again fired up SeaMonkey 2.8
and it
worked normally.

I think I am back to where the morning started. My inbox, sent,
2,8 are all located on my E drive as they have always been.

I don't know what the tie is between the four SeaMonkey folder,
at C:\Documents and Settings\Kermit Taylor\Application
my 2.8 profile folder, located at E:\SeaMonkeyProfile. There
is a
connection of some type and it beets me as to what that connection
is as
this point.

It appears to me that the only solution to this problem is backing
up my
current FrogBarb profile...removing SeaMonkey 2.8 entirely from my
computer...reloading SeaMonkey 2.8 again...build a new profile on
my E
drive...delete Mail from the new profile and copy-paste the Mail
from by
old FrogBarb profile into the new profile...and praying that
all of
will resolve my problem.

Any thoughts...ideas...or recommendations welcomed.


Hang on, Frog!! Is SM 2.8 using the E: profile? And, I think you
mentioned you still have SM 1.1.19 still installed! Does it still
use a
profile on C:??

Yes to both questions.

O.K., where does SM 1.1.19 think its profile is?? In SM 1.1.19,
have a
look at Edit->Mail & Newsgroup Account Settings and select "Server
Settings" for your E-Mail account, and, at the bottom of that screen,
where is the Local Directory??

Good Morning,

Here is the 1.1.19 profile location:

C:\Documents and Settings\Frog\Application

Here is the 2.8 profile location:



Another P.S.

I think I may know what the connection is between the 2.8 profile on
E Drive and the Mozilla/SeaMonkey folders on the C Drive is all
about---there is no Profile identified within the 2.8 folder on the E
Drive. Thus, one of the SeaMonkey folders on the C Drive must include
that Profile information for the 2,8 folder located on the E Drive. Let
me see if I can display some information that draws a clearer
picture of
what I am trying to say:

I do not believe that the Frog-SeaM profile. the one used for SM
is a part of the ongoing problem. I will include that information in
following information in order to make sense out of what I want to say
about 2.8 having a connection between the C Drive and the E Drive.

C:\Documents and Settings\Frog\Application Data\Mozilla

h...@tomtom.com (refers to my GPS system)
Frog-SeaM (refers to my version 1.1.19 profile)

This 1.1.19 profile includes the following information that is not
included in my 2.8 profile on my E Drive:


Here is what my "profile" on the E drive looks like:

(sub-folders 0 thru 9 and A thru f...each having sub-folders)
chrome (with sub-folders)
Local Folders (with sub-folders)
(with three sub-folders)

Three out of the four SeaMonkey folders listed under C:\Documents and
Settings\Frog\Application Data\Mozilla do in fact include this type of
missing information.

Crash Reports

Crash Reports
+ 8libd6kw.default

Crash Reports
+ qv8w5dei.default

Crash Reports
+ sxrklq6a.default

Thus, I conclude that 2.8 must be using information from one of the 3
SeaMonkey folders located on the C Drive for this information. I know
that when I relocated the four C Drive SeaMonkey folders, my 2.8 wanted
to do a completely new set up...as if I had just added this software to
my system. When I put the folders back where they were previously, 2.8
worked again.

Well, if I am on the right track, it would seem that I could remove all
but one of the SeaMonkey folders on the C Drive; and I would eventually
know which folder 2.8 is using. I am sure that it is not the first
folder (SeaMonkey) that it is using---no profile information is
included. More likely, I would think the one in use would be
SeaMonkey(3)...as it was likely the last one established. In any event,
I think I could find out which one is being used through the process of
elimination. Once I find the one in use by 2.8, then what do I do next?
I don't know how to officially remove the three that are not used by
2.8. I don't know how to cause everything 2.8 to move to the E
Drive. In
fact, if my thoughts above are correct, I am lost as to what to do



Frog, before you remove anything.........

Have a look at E:\SeaMonkeyProfile\Mail\incoming.verizon.net Is there
any sub-folders of this folder??

In any case, in SM 2.8 select Tools->Switch Profile and select "Manage
Profiles" and then "Create Profile". On the second or third screen, give
the profile a name you want and then put this new profile somewhere on
E:\ that you are happy with by selecting "Choose Folder" on this screen.
Continue to set up this profile.....just in case!!

I will answer the your question about sub-folders to
E:\SeaMonkeyProfile\Mail\incoming.verizon.net first:

There are no folders under incoming.verizon.net. There are a number of
files as follows:
Drafts (0 KB), Drafts.msf (2 KB), Inbox (1,009,933 KB), inbox.msf (2
KB), Junk.msf (2 KB), msgFilterRules.dat (1 KB), popstate.dat (1 Kb),
Sent (0 KB), Sent.msf (2 KB), Templates (0 KB), Templates.msf (2 KB),
Trash (0 KB), and Trash.msf (2 KB)

If I take everything starting at E:\SeaMonkeyProfile\Mail I do have
other folders listed as follows:
Local Folders

The Local Folders also includes 39 sub-files in addition to two
sub-folders (Archives.sbd and Trash.sbd). The following is a list of
files observed under Local Folders: Archives (0 KB), Archives.msf (2
KB), B. Reynolds (84,239 KB), B. Reynolds.msf, (258 KB), C. Billings
(90,498 KB), C. Billings.msf (160 KB), Church Itms (22 KB), Church
Itms.msf (5 KB), Computer (64 KB), Computer.msf (6 KB), Drafts (3,162
KB), Drafts.msf (9KB), Honda (8 KB), Honda.msf (4 KB), Inbox (1,229.149
KB), Inbox.msf (4,483 KB), Islanders (44,054 KB), Islanders.msf (21 KB),
Junk.msf 2 KB), Frog.msf (6 KB), Linda.msf (2 KB), Mailbox10b5ef27.msf
(2 KB), msgFilterRules.dat (1 KB), Nikon D90 (182 KB), Nikon D90.msf (19
KB), Sent (950,240 KB), Sent.msf (3,740 KB), Templates,msf (2 KB), Trash
(18,887 KB), Trash.msf (90 KB), Unsent Messages (0 KB), Unsent
Messages.msf (2 KB), Verizon (29 KB), Verizon Items (14 KB), Verizon
Items.msf (3 KB), Verizon.msf (6 KB), WindowsLiveID (7 KB), and
WindowsLiveID.msf (4 KB)

Nest comes the sub-folder Archives.sbd under Local Folders:
2011 (0 KB) and 2011.msf (2 KB)

And the last sub-folder Trash.sbd under Local Folders is empty.

I will now go to work on part two of your message.


Sorry, Frog, my mistake, I meant Files, not Folders!!

So this is your active, SM 2.8, profile. The file Inbox (Is it really
over 1GB??) contains your received emails and Sent (Is it really 0KB??)
should hold your outgoing e-mails. The *.msf files are just index
files....they can be deleted and new ones will be created as required.

After renaming them, move the inbox and sent files from the other
profiles into this profile, and new *.msf files will be created. Then,
if needed, you can move mail from these folders/files into your main
inbox and sent files, and then delete the unnecessary files.


I'm afraid you threw one past me in your last message. I will start with my profiles and then progress to what I would like to see in the finished product. My old 2.8 profile was named FrogBarb and my new 2.8 profile is named FrogBuzz. What I thought we were doing, and maybe we are on that path...and I am not smart enough to know it, was building a new stand-alone (no strings to the C Drive) profile on my E Drive. I thought that new profile was the new FrogBuzz profile. Somehow, and I am unclear at to how this will happen, all of what was previously in my old FrogBarb profile would be moved to the new FrogBuzz profile...subsequently making it possible to delete the old FrogBarb profile. Am I on track at this point?

Yes, the Inbox really in the old FrogBarb profile is very large and I keep trying to get my wife to move messages out of this folder. Obviously that hasn't worked at this point.

What do you mean in the second paragraph of your last message when you say "After renaming them"? How exactly do I move the inbox and sent files from the old FrogBarb profile into the new FrogBuzz profile? I presume that I copy and paste old to new...is that correct? Are you saying that the .msf files should be removed from the old FrogBarb profile before the Inbox and Sent items are transferred to the new FrogBuzz profile?

As you can see, I am lost as to how to proceed at this point.  Help!

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