On 08/26/2012 02:03 AM, Desiree wrote:
> When I go to https://login.persona.org/, even in Safe Mode, on Sea Monkey 
> 2.11 on XP Pro, I get a mostly blank page and cannot see the signup button. 
> Sometimes, I can see it just for a second, as the page loads, IF I don't 
> blink and page loading is slower than usual. So, I think something is 
> causing the button to disappear immediately. I have no idea what though.
> I have the same problem with Fx 4 and Fx 10 ESR. On IE 8, I can see the 
> signup button, and can click on it, but then the next page where you signup 
> shows only a red, horizontal line across the middle of the page.  Opera 
> 12.01 though loves the site and the site works perfectly on it. I see the 
> signup button and on the next page I can signup. (Of course, I haven't 
> signed up as all browsers I use need to work properly at the site).

Works for me.
Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:14.0) Gecko/20120715
Firefox/14.0.1 SeaMonkey/2.11

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