Desiree wrote:

That Calibri is very difficult for me to read. The letters are
extremely thin and extremely close together. Plus look at the letter
"g". I can't stand the way Calibri does that letter. That must be
the font Google is using now for their favicon which is horrible and
unreadable. Looks like the same "g". Look at "j". It is quite
different too.

Not my experience. No matter how I zoom in or out, the "H" has a crossbar. And it's pointless to argue about taste.

Have you looked at your size preferences? If you set a minimum size
that is smaller than my minimum size, you may get something too
small/thin for you while I get something large/thick enough for

Minimum font size is 13. I had it bigger before I had cataract
surgery and premium lens implants two years ago. This is on a 19"
Dell Ultra Sharp LCD 5:4 ratio at 1280x1024.

Mine is 16 points, but as I've said I can reduce that with CTRL-minus and it doesn't get hard to read until I do it three times. And why would I want to?

I use an HP S2031 series wide LCD monitor at 1600x900. The physical size of the display is 10x17", so Pythagoras would put the diagonal at 19.7", and the marketing department would call it 21". ;-)

I can make it hard to read by doing CTRL-minus three times, but
contrast is not the issue with black type against a white
background. Even "TOS," in a non-bold light blue font, is legible
for me.

But if you use Opera with Verdana there then "TOS" is bolded and is a
much brighter blue. That Mozilla website looks great on Opera
andlousy (with or without Verdana font) on Mozilla based browsers.
That is what?  Funny? Sad? Stupid? I don't know which but definitely
negative that Mozilla can't get their own site to look good, or work
right, on their own browsers but looks great and works fine on

I just looked at it with Internet Exploiter 9, and it looked the same (though the key moved quicker when I moused over "Take the tour"). I was able to reduce the font size far enough to make it illegible, but the default 100% zoom is fine.

The only /real/ difference I noted was that IE displayed the page in English (doesn't seem to know as SM does that I can read Russian).

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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