NoOp wrote:
> On 10/11/2012 08:25 PM, Paddlefoot wrote:
>> NoOp wrote:
>>> On 10/11/2012 03:22 AM, Lucas Levrel wrote:
> ...
>>>> Did you compact folders regularly?
>>> Yes.
>>>> Check what is done for deleted messages: they may be just hidden, bloating 
>>>> your mailbox!
>>> Ummm - emptying & compacting remove deleted messages. There are only 20
>>> messages on the server and the inbox on the account. Another account is
>>> used for testing purposes only & has 1 (one) text test message.
>>>> If you left your messages on the server, you can try and delete (after 
>>>> backup!) the files containing the messages and index, and let SM fetch 
>>>> them back from the server.
>> Could it be a port conflict?  Check your IMAP entries in /etc/services
>> and /etc/inetd.conf (or your distro's equivalent) versus your SeaMonkey
>> configuration.
> Nah. I can fetch & use IMAP to the exact same accounts via Opera, Zimbra
> Desktop & multiple mobile applications. But thanks for the suggestion; I
> gues I'll have to dust off the session logging...
> <>
> this weekend.

Last thought.  Do you use SpamAssassin?  I use procmail and have
spamassassin process all incoming to the IMAP server:

:0fw: spamassassin.lock
| /usr/local/bin/spamassassin

I noticed at one time I was getting a severe CPU spike do to a
misconfiguration in SA - actually I had upgraded perl and not rebuilt SA.

Still - I don't see why this would effect SM and not the others...

Carbon:  Father of the elements.
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