Jens Hatlak wrote:
Daniel wrote:
Jens, great, this page does give some details as to what was done and
why, so why isn't this page linked to in the release notification e-mail
or news post??

Because we forgot about it (Edmund in this case, but I'm not blaming him
since I would probably have forgotten just as well).

(and I looked, but could not find where it was (linked from the Release
Notes as "Security Advisories for SeaMonkey") - Sorry, change that to "I
had to look bloody hard to find that wording!!")

It would have sufficed to search for "security". :-P

More seriously, the page I was referring to covers all recent SM
versions and will cover future versions, too. If you found it once, you
can go back there every time you need further info.



...but, hang on, Jens, .....*now you're relying on my memory* !!


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