Miles Fidelman wrote:
JAS wrote:
Ed Mullen wrote:
Okay.  I'm going to try to be as nice and calm as I can.

In previous posts we've exchanged messages about SM hanging ...
consuming every last CPU bit, etc.

I just did a total re-install of Windows 7 Pro.

The first time I fired up SM mail?  It took over the CPU and the system.

Others have commented with similar issues.

I've been using this product and its ancestors since around 1994.  I'm
a loyal user.  And I'm going to have to go find another solution
because this one, much as I like it, is broken... as is Thunderbird.
It's something in the mail/news component of the products.  I have the
same issue when trying a Firefox and Tbird combo ... if it worked I
would have (grudgingly ) moved to that.  No


The system just locked up for 20 seconds while I'm typing this!!!
Screw this.  Been going on for about a year and a half.  I'm done.

By the way, it's not just locking up SM, it's locking up my whole

I cannot abide this.  Oh, God!!!  I may have to invoke ... oh, please
no ... OUTLOOK!

Cripes.  I'm gonna go have a drink.  I dunno what to do.

Could it have anything to do with your Anti Virus? I know if my
Kaspersky is doing anything and I try to use the mail it locks up. Just
a thought.

Well, it seems to do it on a Mac as well, and I'm not running an
antivirus.  One funny I've noticed, is that every once in a while
Seamonkey seem to kill smartd, after which my system will hang for 30
seconds at a time until smartd is restarted.  Very weird interaction.

And today I got this message while using mail/news:

A script on this page may be busy, or it may have stopped responding. You can stop the script now, or you can continue to see if the script will complete.

Script: chrome://messenger/content/mailWindow.js:329

Ed Mullen
"You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice."
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