Danny Kile wrote:
Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
Danny Kile wrote:

Danny Kile wrote:
Please 5.7.0 visit
http://support.google.com/mail/bin/answer.py?answer=6590 ...

OK some more testing done and I have found that if the link is something
other than a .com, lets say speedtest.net or or whatever.xxx it works.
It just can not be a whatever.com. Seems like it see the .com as an
executable file and not a link. Is there a setting in SM to keep it from
putting my links in the Attachment list?

".com" is on the list of file types google prohibits, according to the
support link you first posted. A .com file is a command file type
extension. Remember those from the old DOS days?

Perhaps you could obfuscate it is some fashion, and tell your
recipient to
change it back? Also try including a trailing slash in your link to
see if
that gets by the google filter.  http://example.com/  <--

Or use a less restrictive mail service?   ;-)

"".com" is on the list of file types google prohibits", yes I know this
I read the google link listed in the error message. I remember file
extension from long before DOS day, back in HDOS and CP/M days.

As far as changing the link goes I should not have to. I will sometimes
do research for a family member who can barely turn on the PC. If I go
to a web page and then do a send to mail recipient I just want it to go
without an problems. I have look back in my sent folder and found where
I did this in the past and the links where not listed in the Attachment
list. I can also do a send message as new and resent it and it goes
without a hitch, and the links are not listed in the Attachment List.

"Or use a less restrictive mail service?   ;-)" Well I live in and
travel in a RV so I never have the same ISP or a permanent IP. So I can
receive mail on any of my 6 email account buy not send. This is due to
one ISP not allowing may from another domain not a different domain
access if not a member of that domain. So I use G-mail account and send
all my other account thru the G-mail SMTP. That way I can send mail as
well as receive it no matter where I am. If there is a better way to do
this let me know.

I guess my question is this SM use to not put my links in the Attachment
List, why does it do it now? I can create the mails and then just delete
the attachment in the list and it goes through.

Thank you,


If adding a "/" at the end of the link fixes it, I'd do it. Your PC-Illiterate friend should still be able to click on it.
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