Rufus wrote:
Ed Mullen wrote:
I am wondering, with the Mozilla org ditching Thunderbird, if SeaMonkey
actually has a future.

It not so much ditching Thunderbird as they decided that they added all the new bells and whistles they can, so there I no point doing new research. They have said there will be security updates.

I do expect at some point all email will be discontinued in favor forums similar to MS Answers forums and Adobe Forums that are Browser Based. Despite my constant participation in both I hate it worth a passion. Mozilla and others including Facebook are trying to dumb down people. Everyone should be able to use email and read newsgroups thing could happen in the future the make it only feasible to use email and NNTP.

I too am very pessimistic. Mozilla and other are forcibly try to take away or favorite ways of doing things. But if that's what Mozilla wants there not a Damn thing we can do about it.

I do not mean to be pessimistic, just practical.

The SM project has limited resources. Does it have enough to maintain
the mail/news component of SM?

And, obviously, the main question, should we all be looking around for a
new set of apps?

Because, Firefox just annoys me. I'd hate be forced to go to that and
some other mail/news client.

But, I sure can understand if the devs of SM throw their hands up and
cry "Uncle!"

Not looking very upbeat.

Boy, and it would be the end of a very long (techological) era. The
roots of SM go back to, what? 1994? I downloaded Netscape in 1994 or

Damn, I'm old.

Not to mention, with Mozilla becoming singularly focused on Firefox, do
any of us really care any more?

No, a Mozilla OS is nonsense so rule that out. Just what is Mozilla
doing? How is it relevant to us any more?

As a Mac user, my alternative choice to SM as a suite would be a
Safari/Thunderbird combination, and I've even considered learning how
and writing an add-on or a scrip for Safari to integrate the two...even
if it's just to be able to invoke TB from inside of Safari. So I'll be
far more concerned if TB disappears, as far as choice goes.

But really, I can't quite see that happening...because SM, Opera, and
standalone TB - they all seem to use the same underpinnings, so I'd
wager someone will pick up the slack. I would think the Opera folks
would be the most likely....but that's just a speculation.

...or I'll just start actually *using* Opera, Entourage, or something
else. Along with Safari.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.      "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
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