Daniel wrote:

Bob Henson wrote:
If you have a wide screen - why not set Options > Layout to Vertical
View. On my 16:9 screen, I find that layout with the Folders squashed to
the left (font size reduced in userChrome.css - so it squashes even
more) leaves acres of room for the Message tree next and the message
body to the right of that.

Because I want a very wide (width of screen) Thread pane and not so tall
Accounts pane, as I explained in my original post!

That way, I'll be able to see the full name of a message, even if it is
indented twenty posts!!

Two notes on this:

1) On my 16:9 monitor, with less than two inches allocated for the Accounts pane on the left, I have enough room for about 150 characters of Subject, From, Date, Status, etc. In 99% of the cases, that's enough.

2) You might tweak the column widths by dragging the dividers (mouse over the area just left of a column until the mouse becomes a double-headed arrow, then click and drag). With a large enough column width (and you may wish to eliminate some useless columns by clicking the icon at the far right of the column headings), you'll be able to see the full subject lines without writing your own custom email program.

I just tested by sending a message to mozilla.test with the following subject line:


Of that, I was able to see 104 characters in bold (when it was marked as unread) and 122 in roman (after I marked it as read). For practical purposes, that'll do.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher

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