DoctorBill wrote:
Paul wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
How do I find other Newsgroups HERE ?

I used to be able to bring up a Big List of
available News Groups to subscribe to, but I
forgot how to do that a long ago.

Specifically looking for something to replace
Windows XP Annoyances which is now defunct.

I have to find out why an "Enter Password"
window keeps relentlessly popping up.


Wow !  I didn't expect so many responses!

I guess I need to explain it better....don't know
the buzzwords.
On the left of my Mail window is a pane titled
In that pane are my e-mail accounts and "Local
Folders" and "News.Outlook.Express".
Under (within) "News.Outlook.Express" is
"m.s.seamonkey" - this group to whom I am

A LONG time ago, I used to be able to get a huge
list of various newsgroups (?) with all sorts of
subjects in them to choose from - except I forgot
HOW to get to them.
This "News.Outlook.Express" has Mozilla and
Netscape as subgroups (right term?) -   that is
all I can pull up with the subscribe function.

To be honest - I don't even remember how I got to
this Newsgroup !  It was set up ages ago and still
survives - as I do at 71.

I am trying to get to a group like this that can
explain why Windows XP keeps asking for a program
password w/o the program being activated.
It is like Win XP remembers an unrelated action
and repeats it ad nausium.


Better explanation.
I have a lot of stuff stored as Screenshots (jpg
files) of Bank and Stock Market data.
I have a program to view and manipulate these
files (Graphics Workshop Pro - [GWP]).
I have "Hide Files and Folders (HFF)" which
conceals whatever folders you set it up to conceal.
I have set HFF to hide the folders that the GWP
can read - so only I can access them with a
I invoke HFF and it asks for a password.  i
provide the password.
HFF opens and I click on "Unhide" - now I can
open GWP and access my secret files.
When I am done, I invoke HFF, enter the password
and click "HIDE".  Then exit HFF.
Back to no one can see them - hidden (how I
don't know!)
Better ?
I know this is not for this Newsgroup - I'm only
asking HOW to find a Win XP newsgroup !


As mentioned by several people, first add a
newserver, then
to that server add the group:

"As mentioned by several people, first add a
 > newserver, I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DO THAT
then to that server add the group:
 > microsoft.public.windowsxp.general  AGAIN - HOW?"  DoctorBill

please: send a thank you mail to


Gertjan Vinkesteijn
Our source code is licensed under a MPL/GPL/LGPL tri-licsense, allowing our code to be easily reused in different environments.

 * Oops. The kernel tried to access some bad page. We'll have to
 * terminate things with extreme prejudice.
die_if_kernel("Oops", regs, error_code);
        -- From linux/arch/i386/mm/fault.c
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