DoctorBill wrote:
> Paul wrote:
>> DoctorBill wrote:
>>> DoctorBill wrote:
>>>> DoctorBill wrote:
>>>>> How do I find other Newsgroups HERE ?
>>>>> I used to be able to bring up a Big List of
>>>>> available News Groups to subscribe to, but I
>>>>> forgot how to do that a long ago.
>>>>> Specifically looking for something to replace
>>>>> Windows XP Annoyances which is now defunct.
>>>>> I have to find out why an "Enter Password"
>>>>> window keeps relentlessly popping up.
>>>>> DoctorBill
> "As mentioned by several people, first add a
>> newserver, I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO DO THAT
> then to that server add the group:
>> microsoft.public.windowsxp.general  AGAIN - HOW?"  DoctorBill

Doctor Bill,

You can sign up for free newsserver access here:

I don't think it will be too difficult if you follow their instructions.
However, be aware that you cannot register if you are using an

It has at least two XP newsgroups including the following:


Those of us in our eighties have no problem registering with and using
Eternal-September so you young pups in your seventies should be able to
handle it :-)

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