On 02/20/2014 02:22 PM, EE wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
G. Ross wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
How do I find other Newsgroups HERE ?

I used to be able to bring up a Big List of
available News Groups to subscribe to, but I
forgot how to do that a long ago.

Specifically looking for something to replace
Windows XP Annoyances which is now defunct.

I have to find out why an "Enter Password"
window keeps relentlessly popping up.


Who is your internet provider?  They may provide
newsgroups.  Check with them and see.  Most of
them do not provide binary newsgroups (the ones
that contain pictures, music, etc.) but  some
still provide regular text newsgroups. If your
provider DOES have newsgroups their site should
have instructions on how to set up to use them.

If your provider does not have newsgroups, then
you need to subscribe to a website that does.  I
use giganews.com  It costs 4.99 per month to
subscribe and they have given good service.  Some
are free.  Do a search for "newsgroups" (without
the quotation marks).  Once you get signed up to
one, they should provide instructions on how to
use them, or some of us may be able to help.

Thanks so much guys !  I will follow thru.

BTW - what IS a Newsgroup that it can function via the MAIL part of a
browser - some special or different thing that a web site ?


Newsgroups, websites, and email are all different things. Newsgroups are more similar to email, but work differently in that the messages there are for everybody, not just one entity. That means that the messages there cannot be deleted by one person (but email messages, of course, can be).

As far as getting access to more newsgroups goes, you can add more newsgroup server addresses as accounts. For instance, if you wanted access to Microsoft newsgroups, add news.microsoft.com as a new newsgroup account.

Tried that and it didn't work. What are the settings?
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