DoctorBill wrote:
Daniel wrote:
On 22/02/14 11:29, azed13 wrote:
Arnie Goetchius wrote:
Arnie Goetchius wrote:
azed13 wrote:
azed13 wrote:
Arnie Goetchius wrote:
azed13 wrote:
Arnie Goetchius wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
Paul wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
DoctorBill wrote:
How do I find other Newsgroups HERE ?

I had already done as instructed with no
results and then realized I
not getting the option to select "news group"
for the new account. The
click on account goes directly to the mail
wizard. I fired up my lap
which also has the latest version of
Seamonkey and lo and behold,
clicking on "new" "account" does indeed give
me the choice and I was
able to make my connection to

Now, the question is why my main computer
does not give me the choice?
I even reinstalled Seamonkey and the problem
is not solved. Is there
something in "about:config" that is not

Thanks in advance for any help provided.


Just to be sure we are on the same page for
your desktop:

Click Window, Mail & Newsgroups, Edit, Mail &
Newsgroups Account
Settings..., Add Account

You should now see the screen "New Account
Setup". On that screen the
third item is used to set up a "Newsgroup
Account". Do you get that far
on your desktop?
account (4th selection on mine!)
Whoops!! You only see that New Account Setup
for a new profile. Let me
sleep on this.

Happy to wait for a solution that works.

How about if you select *Edit* ->Mail & Newsgroup
Account Settings and select "Add Account" on the
left panel. Do you get the chance to add a
Newsgroup account (4th selection for me) there??

I have three selections (SM 2.12.1)
* E-Mail Account
* Blogs & News Feeds
* Newsgroup Account


Also - Running Win XP.
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