WaltS48 wrote, On 07/05/2014 17:57:
On 05/07/2014 11:01 AM, Ray_Net wrote:
Ant wrote, On 07/05/2014 15:33:
On 5/6/2014 1:22 AM PT, E Wong typed:

So you have two bugs for the price of one.
1. The "Load this bookmark in the sidebar" option is not working.
2. Once set, you cannot reset the "Load this bookmark in the sidebar"

Is there a bug filed for this?

I found these old ones a few days ago:
And the *solution* is ?

More of the I'm a computer software guy, but don't want to do computer stuff anymore to get in involved and start fixing some of the bugs.

SeaMonkey is a part-time all volunteer effort.

Full-time jobs, families, life crisises like all humans, spare time on SeaMonkey. When do they sleep?
Therefore we can state that SeaMonkey is a a too big and too complicated application that cannot be maintained ..BUT the volunteers have plenty of time to play with and invent new gadgets rendering this application more and more difficult to apprehend.
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