Interviewed by CNN on 10/07/2014 10:23, NFN Smith told the world:

> I'm not sure if lack of updates indicates lack of interest on the part 
> of the developer, or simply that it works well enough that updates 
> aren't needed.

Maybe not updates to the engine, but the user-agent database is likely
to need regular updates. The latest XPI is from July 17 2012; since
then, there have been some changes on the world of e-mail clients and
web services...

Just to stay with the most visible example, *Hotmail* has been rebranded
as But DisplayMUA still identifies e-mail coming from the
Microsoft services as "MSN", with the multicolor butterfly icon. I mean,
MSN? Really? I understand it being hard to tell apart the different
Microsoft services (especially because I couldn't figure out any helpful
line in the header -- DisplayMUA probably uses some heuristics to figure
it out), but the choice of which of them (MSN/Hotmail/ -- didn't even exist back then) leaves something to be desired.

I remember submitting an update right before that latest XPI came out;
my submission didn't make it. So I assume it's still sitting in a queue.


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