Daniel wrote, On 28/08/2014 11:05:
HP 6730b laptop dual-booting Win7SP1 and MandrivaLinux 2009

Last night, I was using my Win7 system, update anti-viral/anti-malware and noticed that a SM2.29b1 was available so clicked on ....


and selected the 37MB download. My network meter indicated that I did download a considerable amount of data, but I've got no idea where it went, as I didn't get the small screen which gives me the choice to Open with..... or Save File.

Tonight, in my linux incarnation, I do get this screen so can select where I want to save the file to.

Why didn't I get the choice in Win7??

(Follow-up set to m.s.seamonkey)
Right-click on it - then use the "Save Link Target As ..." choice.
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