On 12/29/2014 7:24 PM, NoOp wrote:
> On 12/29/2014 06:51 PM, David E. Ross wrote:
>> On 12/29/2014 5:52 PM, NoOp wrote:
>>> On 12/28/2014 07:20 PM, David E. Ross wrote:
>>>> On 12/28/2014 6:48 PM, Paul B. Gallagher wrote:
>>>>> NoOp wrote:
>>>>>> SQLite currently uses nine distinct types of temporary files:
>>>>>>      Rollback journals
>>>>>>      Master journals
>>>>>>      Write-ahead Log (WAL) files
>>>>>>      Shared-memory files
>>>>>>      Statement journals
>>>>>>      TEMP databases
>>>>>>      Materializations of views and subqueries
>>>>>>      Transient indices
>>>>>>      Transient databases used by VACUUM
>>>>>> Additional information about each of these temporary file types is in
>>>>>> the sequel.
>>>>> Wouldn't it be reasonable to expect SM to clean up these and all other 
>>>>> temp files in the course of a normal shutdown (not a crash or 
>>>>> force-close from the OS)? Or is that level of hygiene too much to expect?
>>>>> In that case, shutting down SM on the two machines should purge all temp 
>>>>> files on both, and then copying places.sqlite from one to the other 
>>>>> should create no problems.
>>>>> The only way a straightforward copy should cause problems would be if SM 
>>>>> did not complete its housekeeping, right? And if so, deleting 
>>>>> places.sqlite AND the temp files on the target machine should avoid any 
>>>>> repercussions, right? It could even be a cure-all if the target machine 
>>>>> were having trouble and the source machine were not.
>>>>> Or am I being hopelessly naïve?
>>>> Windows 7 Ultimate
>>>> SeaMonkey 2.26.1
>>>> The "temporary" sqlite files are indeed deleted when I terminate
>>>> SeaMonkey.
>>> I just opened a new 2.26.1 on a Win 8.1 and the places.sqlite-wal and
>>> places.sqlite-shm are not removed when SeaMonkey (2.26.1) is closed
>>> (File|Exit)
>>> Build identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.2; rv:9.0.1) Gecko/20111221
>>> Firefox/9.0.1 SeaMonkey/2.6.1
>>> Did the same with a new 2.31 on Win 8.1 and it also left the files behind.
>>> User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101
>>> Firefox/34.0 SeaMonkey/2.31
>>> Note: both are new installs (same VM) with new, separate profiles as well.
>> With SeaMonkey running, I just now opened my profile and saw
>> places.sqlite-shm and places.sqlite-wal as well as
>> webappsstore.sqlite-shm and webappsstore.sqlite-wal.  I then terminated
>> SeaMonkey, and those four files disappeared.
>> On the Private Data pane of the Preferences window, I checked the
>> checkbox for "Always clear my private data when I close SeaMonkey".
>> Under "When I ask SeaMonkey to clear my private data, it should erase:",
>> I checked the checkboxes for Cache and Offline Website Data.  Try these
>> to see if this stops the retention of the -wal and -shm files.
> I think the sqlite pragma settings in places.sqlite is at issue. When I
> have more time on Wednesday I'll try to compare the settings in a clean
> 2.61 and clean 2.31. In the interim, can you install the SQlite Manager
> addon & have a look at places.sqlite then check the db settings & post ala:
> <http://s23.postimg.org/okrcc359n/Screenshot_from_2014_12_29_18_17_41.png>
> <http://s23.postimg.org/f41j5glez/Screenshot_from_2014_12_29_18_06_00.png>

Since I am not having the problem that is on-topic for this thread, I
decline to put further effort into diagnosing it.

David E. Ross

I am sticking with SeaMonkey 2.26.1 until saved passwords can
be used when autocomplete=off.  See
support-seamonkey mailing list

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