Beauregard T. Shagnasty wrote:
PhillipJones wrote:

and They have Decide to rename the new system System 10 to compete with
Mac OSX.10.10.1 (Yosemite).

No, that is not correct. Microsoft had to skip Windows *9* because, in
programming code where the version is searched, the Windows 95 and 98
versions would report positive.

if string found "Windows 9"
    do [something]
else ...

They didn't discover this glitch until there was an alpha release of "9",
which was promptly dropped in favor of "10".  (One wonders if this will
have a problem with "Windows 1")

Windows versions are not called using the word "System."

Probably Didn't think that far ahead although Windows 1 and 2 didn't last that long It was only when 3.1.1 came out did Windows take off. Then you had windows: 95, 98 then one or two in between which I have forgotten their code names that were less stellar, quickly replaced and forgotten about. (One I believe was called Windows ME). Then NT Then from NT to XP Then 7 the 8, 8.8.1, now 10.

On Mac Side of Thing OS 1 and 2 were but experiments. Mac OS 3 was first serious system designed to work on Motorola 680X0 chips, 68000, 68010, 68020, 68030 (By far the longest lasting series), then 68040 was the last these were CISC Chips. Then they switched to using a RISC Processor from Motorola That was originally used in a Work station that had computer, keyboard and monitor built into a Desk. I believe it was 650xxx series. And you Started OSX.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8.9,10 at OSX.4 point they switched to Intel Chips Up until OS8 they used an emulator called Rosetta that would all PowerPC coded applications work on Intel Machines. With OSX.7 they did not renew license for Rosetta and all apps had to work using Intel code.

RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computing Very little Code just barely enough to get computer to boot burned into the code. System Code has to tell it practically everything Therefor size is large and Clunky and slow to load even with tons of system Ram But advantage is if you want add features without changing processors, you can. CISC - Complex Instruction Set Computing Most code to do everything is built into chip. System is small Compact and loads very fast even on slow systems. Disadvantage where so much operation code is burned in It is difficult and or impossible add new features without creating a New Chip with new code burned in.

Phillip M. Jones, C.E.T.      "If it's Fixed, Don't Break it"
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