On 10/19/2015 7:03 AM, Thee Chicago Wolf [MVP] wrote:
> On Sun, 18 Oct 2015 22:59:31 -0400, Marisa Ciceran
> <mcice...@istrianet.org> wrote:
>> Others have probably already reported this, so please forgive me if I am 
>> being repetitive. Once again, JPMorgan Chase Bank (http://chase.com) 
>> does not recognize Seamonkey version  2.38. When I go to their Home 
>> page, it states:
>>    Please upgrade your browser.
>>    Your browser is out of date. For a faster and more secure online
>>    experience upgrade your browser to the most recent version. Click
>>    here for a list of recommended browsers
>>    <https://www.chase.com/services/browser-update.html>.
>> Unlike prior occasions when this had happened, this time it lets me log 
>> in anyway, but each times their system goes through a process of 
>> verifying my PC as if it is "new" to their system. Any suggestions on 
>> how to get rid of this nagging process?
>> Thanks,
>> Marisa
> Do you have Edit > Preferences > Advanced > HTTP Networking >
> Advertise Firefox Compatibility checked on? Sometimes it doesn't work
> because the web site doesn't recognize Seamonkey even if it is up to
> date. Just ignore the message.
> - Thee Chicago Wolf [MVP]

I tried it with "Advertise Firefox compatibility" enabled; I usually
disable it.  I still get the "out of date" notice.  The problem is that
some Web servers not only sniff specifically for Firefox in the user
agent (UA) string but also reject UA strings that contain additional

Over and over again, Web developers have been told:

(1)  A properly designed Web site that follows the W3C specifications
should not require sniffing.

(2) If sniffing is nevertheless necessary, DO NOT sniff for Firefox.
Instead, sniff for Gecko.

These warnings need to be repeated to Chase Bank.

Fortunately, I do not bank there.  The four financial institutions where
I do Web transactions -- two credit unions, a commercial bank, and one
of the world's largest mutual fund groups -- all accept SeaMonkey as my
browser WITHOUT me enabling "Advertise Firefox compatibility".
Sometimes, when one of them updates their Web site and seem to reject
SeaMonkey, the problem is usually fixed by a combination of a phone call
and a postal letter their its CEO.

See my <http://www.rossde.com/internet/sniffing.shtml>.

David E. Ross

The Crimea is Putin's Sudetenland.
The Ukraine will be Putin's Czechoslovakia.
See <http://www.rossde.com/editorials/edtl_PutinUkraine.html>.
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