On 5/7/2016 4:29 AM, Richard Owlett wrote:
> Web designers have gone bonkers with styles.
> Their idiocy can be defeated on a per-page basis by View->Use 
> Style->None.
> I wish to surf with "None" being my default rather than "Default 
> Style".
> How???? I unsuccessfully searched about:config for both "CSS" and 
> "style".
> To declutter my experience I browse with:
>   JavaScript, cookies, colors/backgrounds disabled
>   font size forced to a readable minimum
> HELP please.

I strongly suspect this is NOT controlled by a preference variable.

I have the PrefBar extension installed with the CSS Checkbox imported
from <http://prefbar.tuxfamily.org/buttons.html#togglecss>.  When I look
inside that checkbox (by requesting to edit it), I see executable
scripting for running some Gecko or Toolbox component.

David E. Ross

Donald Trump claims everyone likes him.  Does that
include his ex-wives?  How about the students who
discovered that their education at Trump University
was worthless?
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