On 5/7/2016 9:31 AM, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
Richard Owlett wrote:
Web designers have gone bonkers with styles.
Their idiocy can be defeated on a per-page basis by View->Use
I wish to surf with "None" being my default rather than
"Default Style".
How???? I unsuccessfully searched about:config for both "CSS"
and "style".

To declutter my experience I browse with:
  JavaScript, cookies, colors/backgrounds disabled
  font size forced to a readable minimum

HELP please.



Seriously, your best bet is to create a overriding
"userContent.css" stylesheet (peeks at headers to see you are on
Windows) locate in

I don't have a "SALT.default" sub directory.
However I *DO* have a ....\chrome\userContent.css in the appropriate profile folder. But searching various places in mozilla.org I find no hint how I can override a website's CSS.

Although many sites will break badly as they rely on CSS for
functionality, for better or worse.

*ROFL*  !!!!!!!
I find that the sites that shatter when sane styles are forced by a visitor are *NOT* worth visiting in the first place. That goes double for the sites which only display a blank screen if JavaScript is not disabled. They don't get a second chance at my business. </rant cutoff ;>

Maybe what would might want a little less drastic is to set

"Edit > Preferences > Appearance > Fonts" uncheck "Allow
documents to use other fonts" and "Edit > Preferences >
Appearance > Colors" choose "Use my chosen..."

May I quote myself? I will anyway:

To declutter my experience I browse with:
  JavaScript, cookies, colors/backgrounds disabled
  font size forced to a readable minimum

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