On Sun, 7 Aug 2016 at 10:25:59 -0400, WaltS48 wrote:
On 08/07/2016 10:06 AM, WaltS48 wrote:
On 08/07/2016 09:54 AM, Daniel wrote:
On 7/08/2016 7:56 AM, John E wrote:
On Sat, 6 Aug 2016 at 21:27:24 +1000, Daniel wrote:

On 6/08/2016 5:49 PM, John E wrote:

    I'm running SM 2.40 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and have been trying to
follow the Linux Installation Instructions on


My desktop is the default Unity version, whereas the instructions
to the GNOME Panel,  so where the instructions say

[QUOTE] To hook up SeaMonkey complete with icon to the GNOME Panel,
follow these steps:

     Click the GNOME Main Menu button.....[/QUOTE]

*snipped lots of repeats*

The question is where are the alt-tab or "Unity launcher" icons stored
so we could change them.

The answer to that question may be
/var/lib/app-info/icons/ubuntu-xenial-main/64x64, but I got a lot of
hits when I opened File Manager and did a search for the term icons.

Now how would I copy my SeaMonkey icon to
/var/lib/app-info/icons/ubuntu-xenial-main/64x64? I'm going to have to
refresh my sudo terminal foo. sudo cp blah, blah, > blah, blah, I think.

Yes, thanks Walter, I can certainly see loads of different icons there in /var/lib/app-info/icons/ stored under several different folders. Firefox and Thunderbird are there.

As a long shot I've now tried renaming a copy of SM "default.png" and moving it from my SM's chrome/icons/default folder into both my

    and my

I renamed it "seamonkey_default.png" to bring its format in line with most of the other icons there.

But sadly no; only my alt-tab's stubborn "?" continues to display.

I suppose the next step is to try and determine exactly what makes Ubuntu go and look for an active app's icon in those folders instead of thinking in the case of SM, it's not supposed to have one.

Grateful for the suggestions so far, anyway.   Any other ideas?

   +  John

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