On Sun, 7 Aug 2016 at 14:09:01 -0400, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
WaltS48 wrote:
On 08/07/2016 12:36 PM, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
WaltS48 wrote:

The answer to that question may be
/var/lib/app-info/icons/ubuntu-xenial-main/64x64, but I got a lot of
hits when I opened File Manager and did a search for the term icons.

Now how would I copy my SeaMonkey icon to
/var/lib/app-info/icons/ubuntu-xenial-main/64x64? I'm going to have to
refresh my sudo terminal foo. sudo cp blah, blah, > blah, blah, I

Not where is it on my system. Just two locations, one under my profil

sudo find / -name seamonkey.png
find: ‘/run/user/1000/gvfs’: Permission denied

and my launcher shortcut lists the icon simply:

grep -i icon /home/jonathan/.local/share/applications/seamonkey.desktop

And I get the SeaMonkey icon in the ALT+TAB screen. Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS

Did you install SeaMonkey from a repo, or like myself and John E (the
OP) from a Mozilla tarball?

I'm sure if John E added the Ubuntuzilla repo his problem would be
solved. I install the Nightly builds and as far I am concerned, don't
really care. Just trying to solve his problem.

I did install an earlier version of SM from an Ubuntuzilla repo a couple of years ago, but deliberately avoided doing that on my upgrade to SM2.40 this time because...

a) it was after that earlier Ubuntuzilla version that I first lost my SM icon on alt-tab and started getting a "?" instead

and more importantly...

b) That Ubuntuzilla version would not upgrade automatically, and when I tried a manual upgrade I ran into the XPCOMGlue Load errors that we discussed and fixed on a seperate thread here last month.

 From Ubuntuzilla repo. I agree that it would probably fix his issue.
But he also could simply do as I suggested elsewhere in the thread
(I am going to assume his profile path is /home/john):

1. copy seamonkey.png to /home/john/.local/share/icons/seamonkey.png
2. create text file:
with content:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Welcome to SeaMonkey - SeaMonkey


[Desktop Action NewWindow]
Name=Open a New Window
Exec=seamonkey -new-window

[Desktop Action NewPrivateWindow]
Name=Open a New Private Window
Exec=seamonkey -private-window

[Desktop Action Mail]
Name=Mail Client
Exec=seamonkey -mail

[Desktop Action Compose]
Name=Compose New Message
Exec=seamonkey -compose

[Desktop Action Contacts]
Exec=seamonkey -addressbook


3. Unlock current SeaMonkey shortcut on the launcher and lock a new copy
to update it. You will know that you are successful because now
right-clicking will list alternate actions, such and Mail Client,
Address Book, ...

The only application my ./local/share/applications shows is wine. I
think I'll go drink a glass or two or more, since nobody can grasp the
original posters problem, or my attempt at solving his problem.

That is where your user profile customized shortcuts should go. They
take priority over global install /usr/share/applications/

Where does alt+tab get the icons that appear there from? I see a Firefox
icon and Thunderbird icon if I have the Nightly and Daily versions open,
not the Nightly and Daily icons. SeaMonkey gives me

It pulls from whatever your current icon theme is under

locate icon | grep unknown | grep mimetype
jonathan@nomad:~$ locate icon | grep unknown | grep mime
jonathan@nomad:~$ locate icon | grep unknown | grep mime

The one the OP was seeing was probably

Yours is the generic Launcher icon. Don't remember the name.

Well replied there Jonathan! Thanks! That's now fixed my alt-tab with a proper Seamonkey icon, and I'm happy!

A critical point seems to have been your step 1 to copy seamonkey.png to /home/john/.local/share/icons/seamonkey.png. I didn't have any icons folder on my /home/john/share so I had to create one and put that other copy of "seamonkey.png" in it as the only content. So that new icons folder is there purely for SeamMonkey's use which I personally didn't find too intuitive. Anyway it works, so that's the main thing.

Thanks again everyone for all the suggestions and help.

   +  John

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