On  Sun, 7 Aug 2016 at 10:06:03 -0400, WaltS48 wrote:
On 08/07/2016 09:54 AM, Daniel wrote:
On 7/08/2016 7:56 AM, John E wrote:
On Sat, 6 Aug 2016 at 21:27:24 +1000, Daniel wrote:

On 6/08/2016 5:49 PM, John E wrote:

    I'm running SM 2.40 on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS and have been trying to
follow the Linux Installation Instructions on


My desktop is the default Unity version, whereas the instructions
to the GNOME Panel,  so where the instructions say

[QUOTE] To hook up SeaMonkey complete with icon to the GNOME Panel,
follow these steps:

     Click the GNOME Main Menu button.....[/QUOTE]

I'm lost!  I don't have a GNOME Menu button,  or if I do, I haven't
recognised it!!

I've managed to install a copy of the SM icon from
seamonkey/chrome/icons/default/default.png in my Unity launch strip
as I
hope you'll be able to see in my attached "unity.jpg",  but I've
to get that icon to display correctly when I'm using alt-tab to switch
between different applications.

Instead of displaying a "default.png" in alt-tab,  I've only
managed to
get a question mark.   See my attached "alt-tab.jpg".

Can anyone please explain where I should look and what I should do to
change that "?" for a "default.png" ?

    Tks,    +  John

John, in my other install, I use Magiea Linux with KDE Desktop, and
there, after doing the installation of SM, I would click on the KDE
button and work my way down to where I can click on SM to actually run
the program .... and then just drag/Copy that Icon onto my desktop ...
or down onto the taskbar!

FYI, John, you cannot post images into this NG. If you want to show us
stuff, try posting an image to mozilla.test or mozilla.test.multimedia
or whatever, and then post a link here. OR post the image up on a web
server somewhere and include a link.

Thanks Daniel.   Apologies for my missing images.   So to clarify,  I've
currently got my Unity launch strip looking like this:


O.K., can you drag this SM icon from your "Utility launch strip" down
onto your desktop or wherever the icons for your alt-tab screen are

No, you can not drag icons from the "Unity launcher" to the desktop. At
least I can't using Ubuntu 16.04.1. I can drag desktop launchers to the
"Unity launcher", but the desktop launcher remains, and if I delete it
the "Unity launcher" icon also gets removed.

The question is where are the alt-tab or "Unity launcher" icons stored
so we could change them.

Yes Walt, that's exactly my question! Where does Ubuntu get that "?" from, so I could replace it with a SM icon?

I've been experimentally substituting modified versions of the userapp-SeaMonkey.desktop entry in my home/.local/share.applications folder that Jonathan Little posted on here earlier, but so far my "?" has remained stubbornly there on alt-tab.

I notice in my Ubuntu Software centre, "Mozilla Build of SeaMonkey" appears as an application, complete with valid SM icon, so looks like the icon is actually there in Ubuntu if only Ubuntu knew how to find it.

Perhaps because mine is a question that's about the interface between SM and Ubuntu, I should also try posting it on Ubuntu forums.

    +  John
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