Daniel wrote on 09-04-17 11:07:
On 9/04/2017 6:53 PM, Mason83 wrote:
On 09/04/2017 02:53, TCW wrote:
On Sat, 8 Apr 2017 17:03:18 -0400, "Paul B. Gallagher"
<pau...@pbgdashtranslations.com> wrote:

TCW wrote:

Hmm, so how the heck is it that this particular video acts wonky but
a whole slew of others I watched on CNN had zero issue on the exact
same hardware? This is weird and doesn't make sense.

How about you clear cache and cookies and reload? Something might've
gotten corrupted in your current copy of one or the other.

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.

How come your SM quoted the signature?
Mine drops it, as expected.

It would appear that TCW's ForteAgent/ does not respect the usual sig delimiter convention.

Not sure about that, because on this page:
it's written:

I'm using Agent version 3.3/32.846
In my system the last line is removed, everything after -- is removed.
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