On 05/02/2017 09:40 PM, P. H. Madore wrote:
I think it would be valid to focus on getting SeaMonkey into Ubuntu
and Debian repos. Willing to help.

great! To keep this thread a little more clear I created this sub thread for "Get SeaMonkey into Ubuntu and Debian repos", I hope some other sub threads with new Ideas will follow.

Of course it would be great to be listed in the repos, this might be a way to get additional volunteers, also for the basic taks.

But you all should know: currently all core volunteers are busy to do necessary code updates, infrastructure updates and so on. A new task like this only can be done by new volunteers, the "old" staff will only be able to help a little with advice and smaller assistance.

I think it would be useful to create a new task for this here <https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey:Tasks_%26_Projects>, where all ToDos can be gathered.

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