On 8/11/2017 12:27 AM, Ant wrote:
> On 7/15/2012 2:01 PM, David E. Ross wrote:
>> On 7/15/12 10:19 AM, Ant wrote:
>>> On 7/15/2012 10:16 AM PT, David E. Ross typed:
>>>  > Do you have the PrefBar extension installed?  If so, get the Expire
>>>  > History Button from
>>>> <http://prefbar.tuxfamily.org/buttons.html#expirehistory> and import it
>>>> into PrefBar.  While the default is 30 days, you can set another number
>>>> of days.  To change the default, you can also download and edit the .xpi
>>>> file before importing.
>>> Ah thanks. Yes, I do. So SM v2.10.1 uses 30 days by default. That's good
>>> enough for me then. If I need to change that, then I will get that
>>> PrefBar button. :)
>> No, no, no!
>> 30 days is the default in PrefBar's Expire History Button.
>> SM 2.10.1 uses the Mozilla Toolkit, which only controls the size of the
>> history SQLite database, purging old entries when the database gets full.
> Uh oh. I think v2.48 broke this PrefBar's expire history button. It was 
> fine with v2.46 and earlier. Can any other PrefBar users please kindly 
> confirm this too on theirs too? :(
> Thank you in advance. :)

You quoted newsgroup messages that are 5 years old.  Since then, I moved
the Expire History button from Eabled Items in PrefBar to Available
Items.  I then installed the "Expire history by days" extension.

There is good news and bad news about "Expire history by days".  The bad
news is that the current version (1.3.1) cannot work with SeaMonkey and
that the last "good" version (1.2.0) had compatibility problems and is
no longer available.  The good news is that I ran 1.2.0 through the
converter at <http://addonconverter.fotokraina.com/> and archived the
results.  If you want a copy, let me know.

David E. Ross

President Trump demands loyalty to himself from Republican members
of Congress.  I always thought that members of Congress -- House
and Senate -- were required to be loyal to the people of the
United States.  In any case, they all swore an oath of office
to be loyal to the Constitution.
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